Tag Archive: sam davis


Tre Arrow

We Talk About:

tree and ledge sitting, arson, federal prison, omnivores, vegans, ethical and moral issues about animal welfare, environmental impact, personal health, everything is connected, hidden slaughterhouses and landfills, resource consumption, the food chain, vegetarian animals, protein, hemp, quinoa, dandelion greens, heart disease, chemicals, selective thinning of herds, knowing the source, social conditioning, overeating, cravings, pasteurization, fossil fuels, eating local


This is directly connected to my previous show:

…and THIS is directly connected to my next show (coming soon).  If you want to know what’s actually happening without the media filter, check out this site of the live feeds for most of the ‘Occupy’ protests happening all over the US:


…just a thought…

“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini.

From: Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC


I think this is a big moment to show support for journalism of this quality.

To contact the show:

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…something tells me he has something to say about me…if only he wasn’t so subtle so I could figure out what it is, exactly…


Here are some of the comments from the youtube video for ‘Supernaut’ by Black Sabbath
(Sábado Negro).
One would think I would have a lot in common with people who like the same semi-obscure song from this band, but somehow internet comment pages always seem to end up with people doing this:

I feel like the only one I kind of relate to is ‘chutoi26’. Then, they go and bash the Ramones out of nowhere (plus, the whole ‘calling yourself “chew toy” thing’ creeps me out a little).

Next is where it degrades to a hate-fest…
First of all, how does not liking this song mean you’re a man who likes having sex with other men? I’m not seeing the connection there…anybody?
(and why, of course, do people resort to gay and racial slurs so fast online–especially about things like the degree to which you like a certain song?)
Secondly, how can someone be gay AND a motherfucker?
I think I have a grasp on what those words mean…
…and it seems like the logic is falling apart on that one.

Anyway, the song is still muy bad-ass. Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler, Ozzy Osbourne, Bill Ward…
Here you go (check out the rare percussion break!):

P.S. The new show is coming soon, I promise.

Here are a couple of guys who’ve been given some dubious media coverage over the years. Maybe it’s because someone was trying to get us to not take them seriously. Why would that be? Could they actually have something significant to say?…Judge for yourself.

(Just in case you don’t remember, Jesse Ventura was the Governor of Minnesota)

P.S. Show 4 is coming very soon…You have my word.

Ok, so you can:


A: listen to these shows ‘STREAM’ on this site by just pressing the play button in each show’s post…


B: SUBSCRIBE via e-mail (weirdly, by using the button at the top of the page that says,

“E-mail Subscription”)–You’ll get an e-mail when something new is posted…


C: Bookmark this page–it will show up in your ‘Bookmarks’ and you can come back and

check it out whenever you happen to remember to (at least in Safari it will)…

(but without any e-mails–if you’re scared of that)…


Also, I just figured out a way to…(drum roll, please)…


D: DOWNLOAD these little shows I’m making here…


Here’s how:

1) You can go to the iTunes Store and search under “Podcasts” for “portlandians” (you can listen and/or subscribe there).


2a) Click on the ‘RSS Feed’ (click on the highlighted words “RSS Feed” or the “RSS” with

the cute little symbol–they’re both at the top of the homepage [portlandians.com])

2b) When it takes you to that page, look in the grey sidebar on the right and

find the section named “Actions”…

2c) Click on “Subscribe in iTunes” (and watch a computer make more magic than David Blaine)…



(no e-mails for these two ways, either–and you can take it with you and PUT IT ON YOUR iPOD or some shit)


Rasta Luego,




…so it’s up for grabs if anybody wants it!!!

how could this not be taken either?!:



…they must just abbreviate it (CPF?)


…no offense by the way–I’m just joking around (the climate is too cold for fruit–I understand).


talk to you soon,


(…the next show’s looking like a music show!!!…also 2 or 3 more ‘real guys’, eventually)


…and, ‘SCENE’.


DP, ‘The Anonylosopher’ and Rigel

We talk about:

my feet, thwarting a full nelson attack, re-living some classic street heckles, futuristic business cards, DP’s 12 lb rod, my mom trying to make me christian, dealing with people, boof, why do only some people think?


Best show yet?

Yeah, I think so.  Let me know…